various  1989-92


Examples of assignment work, portfolio materials, and press


(hand construction) 1992

prototype box art for Microsoft Word 6.0 (1993)



figure with printer's tray 1989


figure with printer's tray as cover Eye Magazine, UK 1991

containing interview and work of Geof Kern


spread from Geof Kern: Reconstructing Photography

Picabia Magazine, Japan 1990


figure with landscape scene 1992

from series for SwissAir Gazette story about Paris


figure with Eiffel print 1992

from series for Swissair Gazette story about Paris


memory 1989


memory republished in Vogue Portugal 2021

A Persistência Da Memória


spreads from corporate book for Saisons Japan 1992


Grammys Night 1991

advertisement for Warner Bros. and Reprise Records


Portfolio No. 24 opening spread 1991

paint on (two page) photographic print for a portfolio book


face 1990

from a personal project 16mm bw film with camera roaming closely around a model's face and head


Jean and William 1990  (bw version)

illustrating fiction story Faces Of Madness (Rachel Ingalls) for Esquire Magazine special fiction issue Savage Tales Of Love July 1990


sewing with patterns 1990


fashion with book 1990

republished as poster for Photonica Japan


opening spread Geof Kern Commercial Surrealist

interview and work for Eye Magazine UK 1991